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Lawn Installation - Sod & Seed Long Island

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Whether you need Sod or Seed on Long Island, we have you covered

For a lawn care estimate that can’t be beat call Long Island Landscaping Authority.

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Lawn Installation

Although lawns grown from seed require a great deal of work to install and even more care to establish, they do have a few advantages over sod. First, seeded lawns are less expensive to plant, and the wide selection of seed available allows you to choose the grass that will work the best in the soil and conditions of your property.
Also, because seeded lawns establish deep roots, they are generally more durable than sod for heavy traffic use and are likely to last longer. However, it takes more time to create a seeded lawn, including several weeks of keeping the ground moist and free of weeds while the grass sprouts and grows. The choice is entirely up to you.
The primary advantage to sod is easy installation. It does not demand much care to establish itself and you don’t have to fight weeds, seedling diseases, washouts, or seed-eating birds. Another argument for sod is that it gives you a lush lawn immediately. Whether you choose sod or seed, Long Island Landscaping Authority is here for you.